20:30 Tubize – St Truiden

St. Truden is now on second place, they are in great form. St. Truden have 5 victories in a row, and they scored at least one goal in every game in last 5 games played. Today against Tubize I expect St. Truden to score several goals. St. Truden is very ambitious this season they want to back in first Belgian league. They play with averagely 3,07 goals per game. In last 5 games they played 3 games with over 3,5 goals.

Tubize is weak team if we compare them with St. Truden, and I think Tubize should to concede several goals in this game. Tubize in last 5 games plazed twice with over 3,5 goals.

I expct here an high scoring game, odds is very good (2,75).

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I mostly prefer betting on European football, and I have expirience about 10 years in sports betting.

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