Arsenal were once again humiliated away from home and this time it was Everton’s turn to pile more misery on the North Londoners.
Gunner supporters are in some pain at the moment as their team have been horrific. Losing is one thing but literally not showing up is another.
Everton were toying with the Arsenal side who were clearly lacking confidence and perhaps lost their ability to perform.
On paper, they had the better squad but gunners were all embarrassed. Arsenal star Santi Cazorla was on the receiving end of embarrassment as well when Everton full back Coleback made a complete fool out of him.
The Irish star cleverly skipped past the Spanaird who reacted by raising his hands in disbelief, almost as if thinking that it was a foul.
Here is the Vine of the incident.
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Arsenal Star's Reaction after getting Embarrassed by Coleman
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We were utterly embarrassed, as fans of Arsenal f c. Arteta has passed his prime, now he lacks what it takes to play at this level. He must go now. Giroud is not better than Chamak, why Wenger stubbornly keeps starting him beats my imagination. I think Sanago can do better if given more chances. Wenger must buy better quality players, that is if he remains Arsenal manager.
Am completely tired!!
I honestly think wenger is psycologically paralysed. He lack the will to be a winner and is a coach with bad luck. E.g final against barca, bemingham. He should go now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the term need restructure starting from the head wenger to GO and few player that are not capable, not even average player like Giroud, Arteta, Vermel, Moreal. This players are to fit in to arsenal term. And wenger is the spoiler of the term with his selfish selection. Fan are agree!!!
Wenger time is up. out
Arsene Wenger is a disgrace,an embassment and a fool while arsenal board are selfish,self centred. Arteta,monreal,Giroud,vermaline,sczeney and podolski are all fools.i can’t select any of them for a street ashamed of Arsenal fc
yes Wenger should now know that strikers from france wont help him likes Giroud. the era of france players in Arsenal went with likes of Henry the legend period
Go baba plz
Yeah, i’ma #Die Hard Arsenal fan but i’ve really had it as par this Embarrassment and poor form.. And until Wenger and Giroud gets #BOOED by their own fans Prof. Would keep being Stubborn.. #WengerOUT
i knew that will happen,am praying that the move back to no.5, they will not win the FA.wenger is the root of whats happening to tired of suporting the club i have suported for the last 15 yrs.
Your time is up Wenger. Do the honorable thing and resign — TODAY !!!!