Fans can Cry all they Like but Arsenal Board will Keep Wenger

Arsene Wenger UpsetIt will be fair to say that Arsenal’s premier league title dream for the current season is virtually over after humiliating defeat at the hands of Chelsea.
Gunners were woeful against Jose Mourinho’s men and with tough fixtures not ending yet, one can expect them to drop more points.
Moreover, their injury concerns do not seem to end and the morale of the players at the moment stays low.
Arsenal have conceded 34 goals in 30 league games but (half) 17 of those in just 3 games against City, Liverpool and Chelsea.
The only hope of silverware this season is FA Cup, one that Arsenal just have to win. Still, there are some fans who have had enough and want Wenger out of the club.
The bad news for them is that Wenger will not be going anywhere even if he fails to win the FA Cup. Yes, even if he fails to win the FA Cup.
Reasons are well known.
Every season, Arsenal fans come to know that their club is in profit and they will have hefty cash to spend, however like always they use transfer windows to earn more profit instead of signing top quality players.
Selling their top players have become a habit and they only signed Ozil on deadline day to zip up fans after letting go more than 20 players last summer.
Once again, knowing that Arsenal need a striker in winter, all the time was wasted just to bring an injured Kallstrom who has not played a game yet.
The board absolutely loves Arsene Wenger as with little or no expense gunners are able finish in top 4 and generate hefty revenue and well top 4 is almost secured for gunners being 6 points ahead of Spurs with a game in hand this season.
With Liverpool bloody brilliant and likely to improve their squad next summer, Chelsea and City already strong and Man United to reinforce heavily, Arsenal cannot risk another dry transfer window.
Or may be they can, because against all odds Wenger has always guaranteed fourth spot. That does not cheer up fans anymore, but who cares about the fans because it completely satisfies the board.
Wenger is here to stay but sadly for all the wrong reasons.
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  1. wilson says:

    Unless the fans refuse to attend Arsenal matches, wenger will never listen to them. The board loves wenger so much becoz he makes them money. Quality players will never come cheap, Arsenal fan are always mocked , but wenger and the board cares less

  2. lanah job says:

    for all afc fans who want arsene to leave i dont know where they’ll hide thier faces after AW will have gone becouse they’ll be facing the relagation moreover arsene’s leaving won’t solve arsenal problems

    • Ken says:

      I have already hidden my faces many times this season, agaist ManC, Liverpool, Chelsea and i no more afraid to
      do so.
      In fact relegation teams even do not get trashed as Arsenal does against the top opponents. May be you have not noticed as you are probably an AKB and senile as your prof.

  3. Lawal says:

    I am an arsenal fan, I want arsenal fan in England to stop attending Gunners matches.

  4. sasurai says:

    “Every season, Arsenal fans come to know that their club is in profit and they will have hefty cash to spend, however like always they use transfer windows to earn more profit instead of signing top quality players.”
    So please define WHAT and WHO is this QUALITY PLAYER you reffers to?
    or arsene just have to buy ANY player that is available? just to show that arsenal HAVE MONEY?
    so you think Asene is just sitting, cozing, relaxing, and don’t give any eff.
    So YOU IMPLIED that arsene is one lazy bastard who only think about money?? why built a new stadium then??
    “Selling their top players have become a habit and they only signed Ozil on deadline day to zip up fans after letting go more than 20 players last summer.”
    Really?? OZIL is a JUST “ONLY”? to “zip up” fans?? REALLY??
    so you rather have 20 unproductive players than one player that produces THE BEST STATISTICS? REALLY??
    “Once again, knowing that Arsenal need a striker in winter, all the time was wasted just to bring an injured Kallstrom who has not played a game yet.”
    Please do tell us the WHOLE SIDE of the COIN…
    so you’re implying that wenger ONLY WASTING THE TRANSFER WINDOW??

    • One can go back to the previous windows where he sold Nasri Fabregas and bought Benayoun Arteta, when he had the squad to reinforce and win the league but again took a step back. and other windows where the net transfer spending was always a profit. But lets just keep the argument current.
      Starting from last season. You may want to forgive Wenger for selling Robin van Persie to replace him with Ligue 1 top scorer Giroud. Was he any world class in his first season, no but well do not blame Wenger .
      But When last season ended, the main signing everyone wanted was a top quality striker. Well the club needed one for sure, sadly they still need one.
      2 transfer windows and one Mesut Ozil signed, while fans keep crying on Giroud’s form. Yes Ozil was a big signing and excited every one but even the heartiest of fans pointed out that they will need to reinforce more. And there is no doubt that this demise in the second half is because he did not.
      Please do not even come up with the point that Wenger tried to sign Suarez and Draxler, the other side of the coin…Even Moyes tried to sign Fabregas and Alcantara. Trying is not enough. The end result just explains that Wenger wasted two windows and did not sign a striker.
      Whether he is one lazy guy or not, the results say it all. If you compare him with managers like Moyes etc then perhaps he has done good. But if you rate him amongst the best managers in the world then failure is the right word for him.
      2007-2008 New Year top of the league, ended third
      2010-2011 One of the strong favorites in February, ended fourth
      2013-2014 New year top of the league, and the rest is infront of us
      1000th game right…He has not won a trophy in the last 502 games…He was awarded manager of the last decade and now almost a decade without title.. Highly rated will always be highly slated as well if he cannot live up to reputation.
      This coming from a neutral LFC fan, but you can surely see many Arsenal fans crying like hell wanting him out, the reasons inevitable.. There is no doubt that Wenger is a legend, but so is Dalglish. Even an FA Cup win will not hide his failures like Dalglish’s league cup win and FA CUP runner up medal (in his first season return not eight years like wenger) did not. Will you regret or will you not is another matter but keep in mind the last 8-9 years, progress is what you will not really find, promises are what you will find broken.

  5. TAJ AZIZ says:

    The only way the board and wenger can listen to reason is to boycott the emirates and the marchandise let wenger and those who love the money not the club feel how we the fans suffer and have to dodge a few coners f…..k them they can stick our cash in their know where make emirates a ghost stadium

  6. OMG Boy I am I so pleased my old man took me to see United and made me a fan as a young kid you cockneys are a total joke turning on Arsen Venger after all he has done for the club hold your heads in shame gooners !!

  7. Dawood says:

    The board shud not renew wenger contract. If he still remains as coach even for the next 10 yrs arsenal wont win any trophies. His tactics and his players are so bad. Please appoint dortmund klop to succeed wenger. He will do a good job for arsenal.

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