Sweden is today a big favorite in the eighth finals, but they allowed for little iznenadanje.Kontra Portugal have played 28:28 and then the match went...
Svedska je jucer bila veliki favorit u osmini finala,ali su dopustili za malo iznenadanje.Kontra Portugala su odigrali 28:28 i onda se utakmica nastav...
Poslednji dvoboj vecerasnjeg programa MLB lige koji ce poceti pre ponoci je dvoboj izmedju Seattle Mariners-a i Arizona Diamondbacks-a koji je na prog...
One very interesting doubles match in Atlanta. Andy Roddick is coming out of retirement for the occasion, that with his compatriot and good friend Fis...
Jedan jako zanimljiv dubl meč iz Atlante. Andy Roddick se vraća iz penzije specijalno za ovu priliku, da sa zemljakom i dobrim prijateljem Fishom od...
There is no doubt that here Mannarino favorite and I believe it will get Soeda with this handicap. Almost 5 times a Frenchman ranked higher, and in th...
Nema sumnje da je ovdje Mannarino favorit i vjerujem da će dobiti Soedu sa ovim hendikepom. Skoro 5 puta je Francuz bolje rangiran, a u zadnjih 10 me...
-Dinamo and Molde was expected to pass through, even though they had their weaknesses in the 2nd qualifying round. Last season, Dinamo had a shock aga...