Freiburg against Nuremberg The first match of the teams in the new season. What is important Freiburg completely renovated team after relegation from ...
Freiburg protiv Nurnberg Prva utakmica za ove timove u novoj sezoni. Ono sto je bitno Freiburg potpuno obnovljen tim nakon ispadanja iz bundeslige i t...
Very important game, especially for the host Greeks who desperately need victories in the struggle for the quarter-finals. Both teams played brutal de...
Jako bitna utakmica, posebno za domaćina Grke kojima veoma treba pobeda u borbi za četvrtfinale. I jedna i druga ekipa igraju brutalnu obranu. Prose...
Sarajvo a team that last season was better than all and won the league Bosnia and Herzegovina. They had no luck in the draw for the Champions League q...
Sarajvo je ekipa koja je prosle sezone bila bolja od svih i osvojila ligu Bosne i Hercegovine. Oni nisu imali srece na zrebu za kvalifikacije lige sam...
Here I expect the match to a very small number of points, primarily because it is about the players up to 19 years, mean women plus very poor quality ...
Nationalsi su ekipa prepuna odlicnih startera, i kod njih je ova opklada uvek dobra opcija, a kad je protiv njih dobar pitcher to se treba iskoristiti...
Nationals are a team packed starter, and for them this bet is always a good option, but when a good pitcher against them it should be used, which was ...
Super Liga Kine,20 kolo sampionata sastaju se Beijing Gouan i Shaghai East Asia.Igracu na golove,nadam se da ce biti dosta golova na mecu odnosno bar ...
Super League of China, 20 round championship meet Gouan Beijing and Shaghai East Asia.Players on the goals, I hope it will be a lot of goals in the ma...